5 things I learned in my 25th Year



I wrote this blog last year and never published it. I was doing that thing I do, where I get so pumped up and excited to jump start my business and brand and then I got in my head about posting anything personal and left it in my drafts for a year. I reread it recently and loved it- hearing myself talk about all the feelings I was having at such a pivotal time in my life brings new perspective and gratitude for where I am now!

I hope you enjoy it!



I turned 26 last month and I remember hearing from my friends this is when you realize you are now closer to 30 than 20. Which, you know, is the moment people quit calling you a “young adult” and you’re just an actual adult now. Oh, AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. I know this a rough milestone for some, but man, I’ve got to say, I’ve never been more in love with life than I am right now. I got married and found out I was pregnant this year- two things that seem to be jokingly referred to as the end of all things fun and free. I have never felt freer to be myself or follow my dreams than I do with my tiny (growing) crew. I can say confidently that 25 was the best year of my life. So here are a few things that I learned (or maybe knew and finally implemented) this year that helped make it so great.

  1. Everyone is in the same boat as you, just a different storm

    I’ve always been the type to idolize the people I admire, almost to the point where I start to believe they are something super-human. How else could they be THAT GOOD at what they do? How else do they keep their kid’s hair brushed and keep them fed? How do they manage to take a cute picture in their white t-shirts before spilling coffee on it? The truth is our heroes are human and so are our enemies. We are starting to catch on to the Instagram Highlight Reel, but it doesn’t sink in until your most put-together friend pours their heart out to you about what they’ve been going through. The strongest couples you know may fight over something you’d laugh at. The most talented person you know probably suffers from the same imposter syndrome you do. The friend that always gets to travel and see the world, might be wishing they had a family and home to keep them grounded. What I’m saying is, we’re all fighting our own fights and writing our own stories. We could all use a little compassion.

  2. The right partner in your life can Truly light your fire

    At my best, I am powerful, creative, and brave. But, at my usual, I am cautious, an obsessive people pleaser, and introverted. I can’t explain the feeling of having a partner who not only permits you to be your best without judgment or restriction but also teaches you how to give yourself that permission, too. I can’t recall a time I had such a lust for life and a desire to grow as I do now. I owe a lot of this new-found confidence to my husband, Cris. (side note: it feels really good to say husband)

  3. You are who you surround yourself with

    We’ve all heard this one, right? You are a mix of the 5 people you spend the most time with. I’ve found this to be overwhelmingly true as of late. I don’t think I did this consciously, but I’ve been surrounded by people who all have the same three traits in common. They want to grow, laugh, and serve whichever purpose calls to them. I wish I could tattoo these on my metaphorical forehead so I never forget how important they are. I’m not saying you need to be a jerk to the people who you don’t want to be in your top 5, but you need to be aware and protect yourself from any toxic traits they’re trying to give away.

  4. Storytelling is the most important human experience

    Earlier this year I was in a class taught by the amazing Jake Lory. I worry that everyone in the room might not have gotten the same earth-shaking experience from the class as I did, but only because they probably couldn’t hear over the sound of my ugly crying. He spoke about the entire existence and evolution of the human race being owed to storytelling. And it’s true - it may have started as cave drawings depicting how to hunt, but it became every bit of the cultures and life we know today. Something hit me that day: helping people tell their stories is how I am meant to serve. It’s what I’m here for. In that same breath, not telling my own stories would be a disservice to me, to this tiny baby in my belly, to Cris’s kids, and to anybody else who could learn from them. So, I am showing up here with more than just pretty photos. Thanks, Jake.

    If you’re looking for a new mantra let it be this-

    My story is my story. My story is not your story. My story deserves to be told.

  5. We are having a baby boy!

    This little wiggly creature in my belly is a baby boy! Admittedly, during this pregnancy, I’ve struggled with all of these changes not feeling real. Like something could happen in the blink of an eye and I wasn’t going to get to be a mom. But something about seeing my baby up on the screen, kicking, sucking his thumb, and pouting his little lips made everything change. This kid is real. His little, one-pound self is already doing baby things and just waiting until he’s called into our world. I can’t wait to meet this little man and to learn how to be his mommy. I’ve always said the way we change the world is by how we raise our boys, so here’s to raising a good one!