In-Home Lifestyle Maternity- Dalton and Jess

Dalton was one of my very first roommates when I moved to great big city of Reno. And trust me when I say, it’s big compared to our hometowns. From day one he was kind, welcoming, funny, and a real stickler for turning off the lights. (Dalton if you’re reading this, I’m sorry. I was seventeen. I hope you can forgive me!) A few years and houses later, Jess entered the picture. She was instantly a ray of sunshine and one of the coolest girls I’ve ever met simultaneously. The moral of this story is that this couple is so special to me and I’ve been dreaming about them becoming parents since the day they said I do. Jess wanted something laid back and comfortable so she opted for an in-home lifestyle maternity session with hints of some friendly house pets.


I can’t wait to snuggle this baby, and I’m even more excited to see Jess and Dalton continue to grow together and be amazing parents. I just hope Baby Ream learns to turn the dang lights off! ;)